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Gaerea - novo álbum Mirage em full stream
2022-09-23 15:03:42 | Hugo Miguel Delgado

O álbum Mirage, dos portugueses Gaerea, foi hoje lançado oficialmente, via Season of Mist, tendo sido disponibilizado na integra para audição no canal de YouTube da editora.

A banda anunciou o lançamento do seu novo álbum com a seguinte declaração:

"Today, Ladies and gentlemen, our new album "MIRAGE" is released.

Mirage has been part of our lives for way more than a year now and like unsettled souls, we have carefully prepared ourselves to this very moment. The moment we finally set it free. This is the most excruciating and agonising offering we have ever crafted as human beings, letting our souls bleed throughout this record. To all of you who are eager to dive deep into the depths of our Numb world, we salute you, and may you be welcomed into the Walls of Mirage."